Almost every girl dreams of her perfect wedding as she is growing up. From birth, meeting our Prince Charming and having our perfect wedding is drilled into us by Walt Disney, the media, hallmark, romantic melodies, and every multi-million romantic comedy put out by the movie industry each year. Our hearts are meant to burst forth in the glorious house of worship that is love and then endow ourselves to that one perfect match for all eternity.
If you are the hopeless romantic like me and long for Mr. Right, and the occasional Mr. Right now, you have thought long and hard about planning the successful wedding. Several objects must fall in line to make it unequivocally perfect, there is at least 50; however, I have narrowed the list down to 10 absolute MUSTS that cannot go wrong if you are going to have a successful wedding. Other mishaps can happen, but these 10 items, there is no forgiveness, so pay attention!
Get A Marriage License
You cannot get married if you do not go to the courthouse and actually get the marriage license. This is very important. The most beautiful, expensive ceremonies of all times can take place, but it is not legal without that little piece of paper, so before you say I do, make sure you’ve paid the city fine and gotten that little piece of paper that makes it legal; otherwise, you are still Miss Smith, not Mrs. Stanford.
Set A Budget
Your dreams may be bigger than your budget. Plan a budget and stick with it, even if it means saving money a little longer. I know you’ve been dreaming of this since you were a little girl, but the prices of the 1980’s have significantly increased since then. Search around and see where you can budget better. You would be amazed at the deals you can find if you make it a game and have a good sense of humor. Remember you’re not competing with anyone for the most beautiful wedding, people are coming to see you.
Create A Timeline
Depending on your situation, there may be a reason to get married sooner than later. The ideal planning time is 6 months, but don’t sweat it, I’ve known people pull together the most stunning weddings in 6 weeks and you would never have known it. The key is to create a timeline and start making lists of what needs to get done. Start prioritizing with the important details down. Nothing feels as good as marking things off that list.
Choose A Personalized Program 
Nothing is more romantic than you and your spouse sitting down and planning out your program together. It doesn’t have to be long, in fact, number 5 is keeping your ceremony brief. Your guests do not want to sit there for 20 minutes listening to long sermons. Keep your Ceremony Brief: A simple traditional ceremony includes a precessional, an introduction from the master of ceremony (priest, rabbi, justice of peace etc), exchange of vows, exchange of rings, possible lighting of unity candle or breaking of glass, jumping a broom or other traditions, kissing the bride, announcing of couple, and the recession.
Ask Friends Who Might Have Hidden Talents
You never know which of your friends might be a gourmet chef, a florist, a seamstress, or a hairstylist who would love to give you their talent in lieu of a wedding gift. Good grief people save money where you can.
Create A Well-Planned Out Seating Chart
Nothing is more horrendous than a fight breaking out on your wedding day because Uncle Charlie has been in a ten-year feud with Uncle Bob.
Carrying Over Make Sure Your Guests Are Comfortable
As well as having a seating chart, there should be a lounge area and a possible smoking area for those relatives who choose to indulge.
Make Sure At Some Point To Greet Each Guest
Sometime during the reception, you should have a receiving line in which you greet each guest as they come in. If you do not have time, make sure to make your way around the room and thank everyone for coming and sharing in your special day.
Provide A Guest Book For People To Sign In
This will be your lifesaver. As you open gifts, you can write down who bought what for you in the guest book so that you can send them thank you cards.
Anticipate Challenges And Problems
“The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men…” Everything is going to be beautiful and wonderful. Your friends and family are there to celebrate with you. If you stay calm, so will everyone else, and they will brag about what an amazing bride you are. This is your Day! Soak it in and Enjoy every minute of it.